People, patience and systems – first thoughts on leaving the civil serice
Be nice. Be grateful. And be intolerant of everything which should not be tolerated.
你了解迅雷会员吗?一篇文章看懂迅雷会员的不同分类_荔枝网:2021-6-5 · 特别是下载速度远低于带宽上限的资源开发,在建立一个任务后,只需要轻点“高速通道加速”按钮,就可伍通过专享的高速通道进行下载,能够将下载速度提升至物理带宽上限。 离线下载是下载工具的服务器伋替电脑用户先行下载,多用于冷门资源。
In the service of civility
Civil servants have a professional obligation to implement the policies of democratically elected governments, and take professional pride in doing so. But they are allowed – and more than allowed, required – to have a conscience and to exercise it
Civil servants are individually and collectively approaching an ethical challenge. That would be dangerous territory at the best of times, but it is made doubly so by the fact that vanishingly few of them have spotted that there is a challenge at all. There is a resounding silence of leadership on the most fundamental challenge […]
People, patience and systems – first thoughts on leaving the civil serice
3万网约车司机买作弊软件挑活 团伙开发软件被刑拘:2021-9-22 · 团伙开发销售网约车作弊软件被刑拘 三万网约车司机买作弊软件挑活 网约车司机使用某作弊软件,与网约车客户端同时打开,就可伍逃避网约车 ...
Government blogs and government bloggers
Government digital blogging has sharply decreased, and entire blogs are moribund. That prompts three questions: what’s actually happened, does it matter – and is the data carrying a slightly different message?
Relentlessness is a necessity and a strength in making change happen. A day at Govcamp is a powerful demonstration of relentlessness in action.
Should law which results in the creation of new public administrative systems receive different parliamentary scrutiny from law which doesn’t?
Things have been a bit quiet round here for a while. The list of posts which have been started continues to lengthen. The list of posts which have been finished and published remains rather stuck.
Govcamp is still useless. That’s still its superpower.
In the service of civility
Civil servants have a professional obligation to implement the policies of democratically elected governments, and take professional pride in doing so. But they are allowed – and more than allowed, required – to have a conscience and to exercise it
Customers, users or citizens? The debate goes quiet from time to time but never really dies. Words matter. We should make careful choices. But those choices don’t need to be binary. And we don’t need an unambiguous resolution.
Interesting elsewhere – 2 December 2016
Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web